2012 / 2013 Meetings & Speakers

All meetings with the exception of the annual breakfast in September and the Annual General Meeting begin at 5:15 p.m. with a cocktail reception followed by dinner at 5:30 p.m., speaker presentation at 6:00 p.m. and adjournment at 7:00 p.m.

All regular meetings are held at the Winter Club, 200 River Ave on the 1st Monday of the month except as noted.

Speakers are selected to provide a diverse range of relevant information and expertise for our members.

October 4th , 2012 (Thursday)

Speaker: Bob Gorman, VP TD Waterhouse
Topic: Road Ahead - Investment Outlook for 2013


November 5th, 2012

Speaker: Dr. Moira Somers, C. Psych.
Topic: The Toxicities of Trusts & How to Avoid Them


December 3rd, 2012

Speaker: Daryl Diamond, CFP, CLU, Ch.F.C.
Topic: The Retirement Income Blueprint


February 4th, 2013

Speaker: Peter Glowacki, LLB
Topic: Testamentary Trusts - Benefits of Including Trusts in Wills


March 4th, 2013

Speaker: Grant Robinson, FCA, CFP
Topic: Business Succession Issues


April 1st, 2013

Speaker: John Delaney, LLB
Topic: Multiple Wills


May 6th, 2013

Speaker: Brian Janzen, CA
Topic: Update on Trusts


June 3rd , 2013

AGM and Golf Day
St Charles Country Club